• Boil/Furuncle

    A boil, also known as a furuncle, is a painful, pus-filled bump that results from a bacterial infection of the hair follicle. It is a common skin infection, typically caused by a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. The infection usually starts as a tender, pinkish-red, bump which fills with pus- becoming

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  • Bullous Pemphigoid

    Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin condition. Affected individuals complain of significant itching and can develop an eczema-like rash, a hive-like rash, or large, fluid-filled blisters on the skin. Common areas of involvement include the groin, axillae (armpits), trunk, thighs, and forearms. The

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  • Candidiasis

    Candidiasis is an infection caused by the yeast Candida. Candida skin infections (cutaneous candidiasis) can occur at any site, but tends to favor warm, damp environments such as the skin folds and the groin region. Candida infections can also occur in the mouth (oral thrush) and in or around the nails

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  • Cellulite Treatment

    Cellulite is an extremely common condition affecting most women. It refers to the “cottage-cheese,” dimpled appearance commonly seen on the buttocks, thighs, and hips. Cellulite occurs when the fibrous bands that connect the skin to the muscle tighten irregularly. The tightening pulls down on the

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  • Cellulitis

    Cellulitis is a common bacterial infection of the deeper structures of the skin. The infection presents as a focal area of redness, swelling, and pain which is warm to the touch. These skin findings can be accompanied with fevers, chills, fatigue, and malaise. Cellulitis can affect any part of the body,

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  • Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia

    Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (CCCA) is a scarring alopecia - a condition which leads to destruction of the hair follicle and permanent hair loss. It predominantly affects middle aged Black women. Affected individuals experience a gradually expanding, circular area of hair loss that starts

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  • Chemical Peels

    Chemical peels are cosmetic procedures that use various chemical solutions to exfoliate or peel away the outer layer of the skin. They are commonly used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, skin discoloration, dull complexion, age spots, or sun damaged skin. Typically, chemical peels are

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7:00am-4:00pm Springfield closes at 11:45am



